Released on: September 27, 2007, 7:55 am
Press Release Author: Editor In Chief
Industry: Media
Press Release Summary: VASSARmagazine.Com was developed as a positive source for the urban-based minority communities. Its mission is to create a positive communication flow between people of different backgrounds and, at the same time, deliver exceptional journalism through the vast content of subjects in its pages.
VASSARmagazine.Com will launch its second issue on Monday, October 8th, 2007!!
VASSARmagazine.Com was developed as a positive source for the urban-based minority communities. Its mission is to create a positive communication flow between people of different backgrounds and, at the same time, deliver exceptional journalism through the vast content of subjects in its pages.
What makes this magazine so unique is that it\'s both FREE to subscribers (yes, there are some things in life that are still free), and VASSARmagazine.Com is the first of its kind to feature a fully dynamic and interactive Web site that allows the subscribers to help dictate the future issues of the magazine.
VASSARmagazine.Com has made a commitment to cover and talk about everyone\'s lifestyle and to do what we like to call cross-READERLIZATION. Simply put, we want our readers to learn about different cultures, whether that\'s being Male, Female or Gay. At the end of the day, we are all still one and the same in this crazy stage play called life. As such, we are committed to opening our target audience to anyone who has an interest in being a part of something as phenomenal as VASSARmagazine.Com!!
Within the pages of VASSARmagazine.Com,you will have the opportunity to read about everything a reader would expect to find in a printed magazine, and more: This includes Lifestyles (Relationships), Politics, Business Monthly, Wellness (Health and Fitness), Entertainment, Fashion, Sports, The Creative Zone, Gadgets, Home Decorating, and Food & Wine! We also feature two very special sections we like to call \'Ask Vassar\' and \'The Chronicles\'.
Our September 2007 Issue is Live, Here is a sample of some of the stories in our launch issue.
What Do Women Really Want? By Inez Woody When given my assignment, I was confident, thrilled, and eager to begin writing. After being on this earth for nearly 28 years, gone on countless dates, been in a few serious relationships, engaged to the man I thought I would be with forever, I was certain that this assignment would be a piece of cake. After all, I am a woman and I am definitely aware of what I want in a relationship. However, as my deadline grew closer, I was overwhelmed and felt a little pressured of summing up in one article what women really want in a relationship. To read more of this article visit us at
Obama and His Health Care Proposal By Chyla McCrary My interest of the healthcare issue led me to seek out what position Illinois\' Senator, Barack Obama, may have on the issue of Healthcare in America and what plans he may have to remedy this crisis.
While viewing his campaign website, I came across a speech that was given at the University of Iowa on May 29, 2007. It was entitled, \"Cutting Costs and Covering America: A 21st Century Health Care System.\" In this speech, Obama outlines his health care plan that he will sign as a law by the end of his first term in office as president.
Going into further detail about the new plan, one statement that he has made and that I can certainly agree with is that \"every American is guaranteed coverage\". If the healthcare plan remains non-affordable, then Obama promises that the person will receive a subsidy for it.
To read more of this article visit us at
Editor In Chief
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